Prenatal Yoga - Every Pregnancy is Unique, Honor Yours Individually with the Guidance of a Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher
Prenatal practice is a specially tailored yoga style that is safe and gentle during your pregnancy.
Private Classes available ( No Group Prenatal)
5 Nurturing Classes $350
Some Benefits of Prenatal Yoga:
The benefits are endless...While you and Baby grow together to establish a deep bond that starts at conception.
First Trimester: Classes for the first trimester gradually start phasing out poses or exercises that require deep abdominal stretching. It’s the perfect way to transition, still move your body yet, safely.
Second Trimester: Avoiding poses on your back or on your belly. Using yoga straps, blocks, bolsters, blankets, and other nurturing props to aid you.
Third Trimester: Avoiding balancing poses by having the support of a wall or a chair. Focusing yet further on your breath and relaxation techniques. This all helps manage your new physical and emotional changes.
Keeping the Practice safe, simple and supported to keep Mama moving through the highs and lows of Pregnancy.
Prenatal Yoga is for Everyone...You do not need to have a former Yoga Practice
Call me with your questions or concerns.
Prenatal Classes are in Person Only.
In Yoga,
Sally Rodriguez Hamm, ERYT 500, YACEP, Trauma Informed Certified Yoga Teacher, RPYT
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Remember that Pregnancy has Four Trimesters.
PostNatal Yoga offers your body the Recovery needed after Child Birth. It enables Strength, Balance and wards off depression and anxiety.
Created by Michelle Lee
Soul Practice Yoga
Offer Available for 200 RYT when Paid in Full!